Granite Shoals Charter Review Committee works to meet deadline

Granite Shoals Charter Review Committee Chairman Kiel Arnone (center) leads a meeting to discuss proposed amendments to the city charter alongside fellow committee members Peter Hutnick (left) and Larry Conchola. Staff photo by Dakota Morrissiey
The Granite Shoals Charter Review Committee discussed potential changes to the city’s charter during a meeting Monday, Dec. 12. The committee is tasked with reviewing the city document and proposing amendments to the City Council, which will determine whether they should be placed on the November 2023 general election ballot.
The committee must present its proposed changes to the council before March 27, 2023, when it will be officially disbanded.
The 10-member committee was formed on Sept. 27 and began meeting regularly to review and make proposed amendments to the charter, which is a 41-page document that is akin to a constitution for the city of Granite Shoals.
Per the charter, the committee has six months to conduct its review and propose changes before it is disbanded. The council and city attorney will then review the proposed changes before voters have their say.
“The charter is the basis for establishing a municipal government,” Interim City Manager Peggy Smith told “If you have any input, now is the time to give it because there is an end date.”
The committee plans to meet at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 2221 N. Phillips Ranch Road, on the following dates:
- Dec. 19
- Jan. 9, 2023
- Feb. 6, 13, and 27, 2023
- March 13 and 27, 2023
Meetings are open to the public and also can be accessed through Zoom at a link posted on the committee’s meeting agenda. Granite Shoals residents may contact the committee with questions or proposed changes at
The current city charter recommends that a charter review committee be formed at least every six years. According to Smith, the charter was amended in 2019, 2008, and 2005.
“It’s a huge learning experience for all of us,” said Committee Chairman Kiel Arnone. “We’re trying to do what’s right for the city as a whole.”
Arnone is an original member of the committee and acted as the vice chairman before assuming the role of chairman on Nov. 28 when Libby Edwards stepped down as chairwoman.
“We would love for any resident of the city of Granite Shoals to chime in and speak their mind on what they think should be changed or added to the charter,” Arnone told
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